Feeling in the mood for something refreshing I wandered down to the market to purchase some vegetables, fruit and limes.
I became aware that there were a lot of trotters on sale.
For some reason there were pigs with 2 heads one tail and six trotters.
Try as I could it appeared impossible to buy trotters without the head!
So we ended up with two trotters, one head and one tail.
Out of this came two stunning dishes
Brains with Mango.
I am partial to brains, which as you know are difficult to acquire as a result of the UK food police. On bearing them home k, of course, reminded me that we had consumed Cervelles de Veau every week in Beaune. Well there are no veals here; but Cervelles de Porc will do.
This is simple as pie. Bring the brains very slowly to a simmer in some salted water. Turn off the heat and leave for 15 minutes or so. Peel two ripe yellow mangoes. Slice off the flesh into cubes and put in a bowl with some salad leaves,. Drain the brains and slice lightly; add to the salad. Make a decent dressing with lime or lemon rather than vinegar, though a touch of balsamic vinegar will be pleasant. Toss lightly. The sweet sour of the Mangoes and the creaminess of the brains is one of those marriages made beyond our world. You can buy quite decent Mangoes from Pakistan in Southall and elsewhere.
Then the Tete de Porc
I had the butcher chop the head in four-minding he did not smash the brains and keeping the tongue in one piece.
In as huge a pot as you have, put the four pieces of head together with a trotter or two, with a handful of Salt, another handful of Crushed Peppercorns, a bottle of white wine, a couple of carrots and onions, 4 Large crushed corms..nb corms not cloves of garlic, a bunch of parsley, another of coriander and one of celery…in Europe, or at least outside of Asia you will have to use some sticks of coarse celery.
Bring to the boil and simmer for maybe a couple of hours.
Remove the pieces from the liquid
When cool enough to handle-and it is jolly hot on the inside!--Remove all skin, meat, gooey bits, eyes, tongue, ears etc. from the head and other gooey bits from the trotters. Give the bones to the dogs; but in stages.
Reserve and allow to cool properly.
Strain the cooking liquid and toss away all the vegetable and other debris. Return the liquid to a pan and check the taste. It should be quite winey/lemony. Add as appropriate another bottle of wine/the juice of some limes or lemons together with a stick of lemon grass, sliced, a good 2 inches of fresh pink ginger, an inch of galingale, some more salt and peppercorns together with two 2 inch threads of green peppercorns and about 4 fresh chopped chilis. Bring this mixture back to the boil and reduce until you have about 500ml.
In the meantime separate all the meaty and gooey bits into their several categories. Take the tongue and slice lengthways into strips. Take the ears and slice into 1cm slices. Ditto the nose/snout.
Cut a red pepper into rings and get some cucumber slices. Oriental cucumbers are, of course, pathetic so yours will look better. Find a couple of handfuls of peas and a bunch of mint. Whatever as long as fresh and green.
In a decent shaped dish, (this is going to be turned out to serve) place the red pepper rings and the cucumber on the bottom. Strew over the mint and peas. Then build layers with all the meat and gooey bits. The point is, of course, to decorate the bottom and sides so that you end up with a jellied and colourful creation. You could, of course, go overboard here, but all I want is a bit of pattern and color. Not Tete de Porc Matisse after all.
When the bowl is nearly full…! Check the stock. It should be pretty formidable as it will lose flavour when cold.
Strain the stock. In fancy times you can clarify the stock with egg white etc. But I can’t be bothered
Fill the bowl of pork with stock.
Place in the fridge until set. I prefer to leave overnight.
In the morning, when you can face it, place the bowl in a pot of hot water until the jelly starts to melt at the edge. Quickly remove and put a serving plate on the top of your bowl. Invert the whole thing and make sure the Tete drops out. And voila you have some 2kg of Tete de Porc of which in a couple of days you will be heartily sick. But it keeps a while and can be fed to unwanted New Year guests with a Salad of Potatoes and anything sour, bitter or tart you fancy. I like Chicory and Piccallil! Cornichons and pickled beetroot are good too. Some decent scofa or other wholemeal bread helps.
Thais look at me as though madder than they thought I was; but I notice a lot of it has been eaten, though with the addition of a lot of ferocious Nam Priks and Nam Jims, thereby defeating the whole point of my laboriously contrived subtle flavours.!
Oh In case you have not got the scale this IS a 30cm Dinner plate!
I hear Mr Floyd is opening a restaurant in Phuket. The slurps will be a bit expensive and below par I should think!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
And The Christmas Menu was:
Restaurant Kunjana/????????? ??????
Christmas Day 2006
???????????? 2549
Canapes Foie Gras et
Canapes Saumon Fume
Spaghetti Sauce Arrabiata
Pizza Sicilienne
Barbequed Prawns
Canard a L’Orange
Grand Aioli Pommes de Terre et Legumes
Salade Vert
Pudding Christmas
as a commentary on that.............
The Pate de Foie Gras, as with other things, came from the supermarket in Siam Paragon. 3 Tubs 300g at 1GBP per tub...Sensational...mostly eaten by Elodie.
The Saumon was Norwegian..same source. 600g at 7GBP
Spaghetti has to be dry but it is Agnesi so OK. The sauce easy to make....pleasantly hot!
Pizza, too, the Sicilienne coming mainly from a large tub of anchovies..known here as Plaa Raa Falang...ie European fermented Fish. Even found some 'Real Mozzarella'
I heard there were 2 kilos of prawns..but I never saw them!!
The duck.......Best duck since the days of Whitebrook...astonishingly full of flavour....like remembering chickens, remembering ducks....frozen again from Paragon...had I known would have brought a bagfulllll..
Oh..cost of duck...fatty...but little fat..about 2.5kg+ =3.5GBP
Aioli ..Can get decent Olive Oil here
Salad too..plenty of balsamic vinegar in Foodland
Christmas pud from Waitrose...still to find an explanation of why you can buy Waitrose brands in Central!...Pretty good. Doused in half a bottle of Martell...and lit...Westerners present cried with nostalgia!
Crackers, too....Too lazy to make Mince Pies...
Drinks really the only problem. Had plenty of Gin and Campari and a bottle of Lanson, from UK, but ther rest Aussie rubbish, Heineken and doubtful rice spirits..not so good. Cost, without drink 30GBP for 10 people and a few hedge crawlers
As I write Kunjana is spieling away on her radio station about Christmas, life in England and beauty tips for the freezing weather! It is mid day...just taken my blouson off!!
Restaurant Kunjana/????????? ??????
Christmas Day 2006
???????????? 2549
Canapes Foie Gras et
Canapes Saumon Fume
Spaghetti Sauce Arrabiata
Pizza Sicilienne
Barbequed Prawns
Canard a L’Orange
Grand Aioli Pommes de Terre et Legumes
Salade Vert
Pudding Christmas
as a commentary on that.............
The Pate de Foie Gras, as with other things, came from the supermarket in Siam Paragon. 3 Tubs 300g at 1GBP per tub...Sensational...mostly eaten by Elodie.
The Saumon was Norwegian..same source. 600g at 7GBP
Spaghetti has to be dry but it is Agnesi so OK. The sauce easy to make....pleasantly hot!
Pizza, too, the Sicilienne coming mainly from a large tub of anchovies..known here as Plaa Raa Falang...ie European fermented Fish. Even found some 'Real Mozzarella'
I heard there were 2 kilos of prawns..but I never saw them!!
The duck.......Best duck since the days of Whitebrook...astonishingly full of flavour....like remembering chickens, remembering ducks....frozen again from Paragon...had I known would have brought a bagfulllll..
Oh..cost of duck...fatty...but little fat..about 2.5kg+ =3.5GBP
Aioli ..Can get decent Olive Oil here
Salad too..plenty of balsamic vinegar in Foodland
Christmas pud from Waitrose...still to find an explanation of why you can buy Waitrose brands in Central!...Pretty good. Doused in half a bottle of Martell...and lit...Westerners present cried with nostalgia!
Crackers, too....Too lazy to make Mince Pies...
Drinks really the only problem. Had plenty of Gin and Campari and a bottle of Lanson, from UK, but ther rest Aussie rubbish, Heineken and doubtful rice spirits..not so good. Cost, without drink 30GBP for 10 people and a few hedge crawlers
As I write Kunjana is spieling away on her radio station about Christmas, life in England and beauty tips for the freezing weather! It is mid day...just taken my blouson off!!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Eve
daddy has been to BKK. Traffic jams, Fires and Ferraris on sale in the Malls!
We, on the other hand, have been dancing again.
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E's school, is, of course a bit confused about how to deal with these princesses. However some suitable catholic extras have been provided for photo opportunities:
daddy has been to BKK. Traffic jams, Fires and Ferraris on sale in the Malls!
We, on the other hand, have been dancing again.
alt="" />
E's school, is, of course a bit confused about how to deal with these princesses. However some suitable catholic extras have been provided for photo opportunities:
Thursday, December 21, 2006
It is COLD...jackets in the morning!
We need not worry about fog...well except where the FOREX market is concerned. Thais managed to wipe 20% off the stock market in a day trying to stem the appreciation of the Baht. Decision reversed by teatime..damage done. FT not impressed.Thai Finance Minister: No-one to blame...of course not.I believe 10% is a crash...
So we sit like Romans inspecting entrails to see if there are any auguries for the future. Saw one 'Securities' outfit predicting 25B to the dollar (35 today down from 40 a few months ago)...Now that would rid Thailand of Americans!
So Christmas and New Year, 10 days in Samui, 10 days in Bali and the building of the South Fork Ranch in Chiang Mai..my we shall be busy!
We need not worry about fog...well except where the FOREX market is concerned. Thais managed to wipe 20% off the stock market in a day trying to stem the appreciation of the Baht. Decision reversed by teatime..damage done. FT not impressed.Thai Finance Minister: No-one to blame...of course not.I believe 10% is a crash...
So we sit like Romans inspecting entrails to see if there are any auguries for the future. Saw one 'Securities' outfit predicting 25B to the dollar (35 today down from 40 a few months ago)...Now that would rid Thailand of Americans!
So Christmas and New Year, 10 days in Samui, 10 days in Bali and the building of the South Fork Ranch in Chiang Mai..my we shall be busy!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
You will ask: Where have you been?
Songkhran castles
We went to the hot seaside
I was 4
We went home to the seaside
And saw Granny and Grandpa
Gwynedd Council built The Great Wall of China in My Garden
My bears sleep in the Fennel
I went to School
More Crabs!
My seaside gang
Daddy found his picture
Byron's book was published!
Mali and I went to school in our nightdresses
Here we are back among the orchids
Christmas again
And back to school..again!
Songkhran castles
We went to the hot seaside
I was 4
We went home to the seaside
And saw Granny and Grandpa
Gwynedd Council built The Great Wall of China in My Garden
My bears sleep in the Fennel
I went to School
More Crabs!
My seaside gang
Daddy found his picture
Byron's book was published!
Mali and I went to school in our nightdresses
Here we are back among the orchids
Christmas again
And back to school..again!