Tuesday, October 01, 2002
When the chef completely runs out of ideas and the restaurant is empty grab any cook you can. Oh and who is cooking today? M.Leclerc a plumber from Foissac with a nice dish of Chipirons aux Pruneaux de Californie et Poivrons Thai. Not bad actually..but not 3***. We just ate it and the squid was Thai..maybe..or Indonesian..the Prunes French..maybe..the other ingredients??....but the Sichuan Spareribs were perfect, if a little similar, and Elodie ate the juice, the brown rice and a smidgeon of applesauce..I have a little dish of Fenouille au Citron lined up for lunch with some home-made Hummous..while the babe will be on a repeat course of ground oats, lentils and pear. I want to feed her beancurd too, but it is probably GM stuff here..who knows? I am still waiting for the viridian spinach of today's breakfast to appear. Yes I know spinach is unfashionable..all that oxalic acid. Gives awhole new meaning to home economics when ever mother is required to recite chapters from The Chemical Composition of Foods. There --I said it was a log about food, too,did I not !! But I shall not mention the 'waste'!..too much....its a bit like consulting the entrails...an aspect of cosmology that appears not to appeal to Thais, though entrails are an important part of all those soap operas we get every night. There are some very special Thai ghosts/ghouls which consist of head and innards and not much else. Welcome to Bangkok, Animist Capital of the World..