" village poet

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Short Disquisition on the late Twentieth Century Chinese Shophouse
The Gentrification of Bangkapi

This is a little Bangkok Adieu number

The original village of these shophouses was built in about 1978. The originals were of three main kinds:
Simple terrace houses, with small balconies, an iron gate the width of the house and a front courtyard
A corner house version of the same
Some double terraced houses

They sell for between 800,000 Baht and 2 million ie $18,500 to $46,500

Original shophouse uses. Restaurants, shops, personal gaols

The first real gentrification is Chinese Gates. Elaborate Wrought Iron Work

The two storey solution

src="http://i.xanga.com/fishfur/t/shophouse4.jpg" width=400 border=0>

A modern version of the Gates solution. In chrome!Note the 1million Baht+ Honda CRV nestling inside

Two country style solutions to the door/gate problem

Glass and other doors

Cornerhouse gentrifications. gates, satellite dishes and BMWs