If these were figures for the Easter weekend in Britain or France...what would happen? Road carnage claims under-15s as toll soars
Anyway we have survived.!!
Chugged out to the main troad to watch the mayhem. Elodie in very high spirits wishing to dance with every passing group of inebriates and waving her wrists in most authentic Thai dancing mode.
High spot of the parade of floats expalined why Saddam could not be found by the US...he was here in Sawangkhalok riding a jeep amidst the flower bedecked maidens....photos in a day or two. He had a log conversation with the well soaked traffic cop-face smeared with gold and alumina powder, decked in flowers with his radio in a 7-11 bag. I particularly liked the float from the Department of Ground Water Control (sic) which was a tractor towing a mega sound system powered by a petrol generator... the whole covered in black plastic like some punk shop. I think they must be the sewage dept.