This weblog is going to take another rest!
There are three reasons for this:
1. I don't think anyone reads it!
2. Weblogs have become the flavour of the month and I certainly do not want to be that! I have no interest as do most weblogs in promoting my arcane political views and opinions..even at a price, nor in peddling my sexual proclivities in the WasgingtonDC manner, nor in writing an intimate 'diary' of my tired and confused emotions!
3. I am spending far too much time on the internet rather than writing
The archive will be there if you want to explore the past...but for the present
Also if you send emails you might get a 'gone away' message as my Inboxes are clogging up
The phone number here is 0066 55 643 534 has not occurred to some people that Thailand is 7 hours ahead of the UK!
and there is a new email address which is linked on the right side of the page