And my friend said to me:
And he is Thai
“We have talked much about this. I still have no real purchase on the issue!"
"Are you saying that it is OK for you to come here, that you can live here, and be happy as a foreigner ‘abroad’; whereas you are, also, saying it is difficult if not impossible for my sister to go to your country and live, work and be happy?”
That raises a Q.
What is it..if anything. .that makes it possible to leave your home and go and live anywhere else?
Maybe one should distinguish between going 29 miles away, 200 and to ‘London’ to ‘Europe’ let alone to far flung parts of the earth.
And then the process in reverse. If Europeans had not ‘arrived’ in Australia, S and N America, Africa etc.....…who from those places would be thinking......…Oh! I’ll just nip over to Germany and make a life?.....…then what happens?. Americans welcome everyone because they think,.... do they?, they will contribute to the future of the ‘Nation’....…Western Europeans get panicked and think they are being over-run by Albanians, Ukrainians, Ethiopian, Romanians, Gypsies etc. etc.
Chinese never worried. Enough of usT...But not enough that we think we shouldn't miscegenate with Tibetans etc......Thais? well what is there to say?
I am thinking…I will be happy to be ‘home’ Where is that? . Elodie knows nothing…she is 3 years old...…what does K think….What would it feel like to be born in Norwich and have a ‘dream’: to go to Thailand/China/’Japan.. wherever…and have a husband, a life, a child….because to have it was MUCH better than Norwich....….better by what criteria….??
Hurting of heads!!