There should be PICTURES in all of this but Google cannot work out how to show them.
Pictures before April 2006 are there,but none after...cannot put new ones either. Google pretends this is not happening. Presumably war in Iran is not going to be happening either?! And Jan Morris wonders why we are all so ANTI AMERICAN...well she should read Henry Liu in the Asia Times on US currenecy exchange rate manipulation, too...........
Having not much else to think about. other than speculation on whether it will rain again before the April floods, I have had to vent grumpiness on Blogger and computers in general. I read that 90% of the world’s languages will disappear in this century..that is the best argument yet deployed for learning and speaking Welsh! If only RS had the statistic to hand. And the whole notion of cultureicide has become part of thinking people’s concerns. Of course Plaid Cymru just want the Welsh Bunker. Why is it that threatened entities manage to always generate these right wing thugs?
The sheer inefficiency of computer programmes, particularly those managed by Google, leads me to think that it might well be worth taking to the woods to avoid them. I am sure that is what will happen! One can see that there is a downhill path to the ‘controlled society’@: biometric data and passports, car tracking, no doubt an extension of sub-cutaneous tags.
I want nothing to do with it.
Turing, Kleese and Church should be high on the list of 20th century demons for the can of worms they opened.
Not sure I should be sitting in Sukothai mulling over whether all quantum mechanical events are Turing computable…and certainly not having nervous attacks as to whether my brain is the consequence of some hypercomputational event!
I shall order some Fuchsias, including blue and climbing ones, which will put the Sarn natives on their toes, from Thompson and Morgan, to calm the soul