" village poet: 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006

Friday, March 31, 2006

Life here increasingly mad
Asia Times thinks there will be another Baht Crisis as a consequence of Toxin's handling of what passes for the economy
His hired thugs are throwing chairs at Democrats in CNX
Might well be tanks on the street come Monday!!
At which point I suppose there might be divine/royal intervention
One would have thought that generally philanthropy in the national interest was not a concept too alien from 'politicians'...but clearly such an idea shows I know nothing!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

February and March 2006

The months are lost somewhere on the Acer which has failed to cope with the fluctuations of Thai electricity!
We are busy designing houses
With not too much bated breath we wait to see whether the appalling Toxin can be prised from office.
Even if he is bullied out and sued and asset stripped and jailed..all of which would be good..I cannot see that there is much to replace him. But one might be wrong and that what is called democracy might prevail..overnight!!??

Whatever it is probably better than what passes for democracy in the US..
I like this one:

The US Empire

The Sawankhalok house will be started at the end of March. Chiang Mai ..well when we can agree!

In the meantime it is stupidly hot..38+ and I have taken to eating Tapas. Shame there is no sherry!
Elodie has learnt to ride a bike on her own, take showers on her own and generally tell everyone she does not need them
Her school report said she was wonderful but that her fingernails were a bit grubby
It appeared they wanted her to be deprived of her friends as she could not trace Thai letters as well as them…and they been doing it for two years.
I am for closing all schools, sacking all teachers,…and a good many universities and finding some way to empower communities to educate themselves!..and I don’t mean home education!!
A propos of which TOT ie BT Thailand has come up not just with Broadband but Wireless Broadband. So we have it in the ricefields but not in the rich farmlands of Pen LLyn!!