" village poet

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

While all this horror has been going on we have, as is the way been getting on with normal life!
This morning we went down the Wat to get the car sorted out. Half an hour of painting with a paste of talcum powder..inside and out.. and water..much sticking of gold leaf..good sprinkling of holy water. As you see the car has a good paint job. This will prevent any further attcks by ghosts and evil spirits let alone humans driving anything from motorbikes with two or three wheels and rice cultivators through to grannies riding bikes the wrong way in the middle of the carriageway, SUV and Mercedes housed gents paying more attention to Mobile Phones and mistresses as well as amphetamine crazed drivers of overloaded juggernauts and long distance buses....Maybe!

Meanwhile Madam continues adventures with stickers