" village poet

Friday, September 06, 2002

How nice of MSN Messenger to tell me they are going into maintenance mode in 5 minutes..and would I please arrange to SHUT UP. Luckily I am only
a. Talking to myself
b. Talking through the wine as Ms Griffiths (Nanci not Suzanne) would have it
c. Conducting one of those eehh...aaahh, who is this ?? conversations with Elodie Sirin Wayo in the mirror. She is heavily into this mirror..more so than the ducks now..4 months old...bit precocious I shouldn't wonder. Where did she get that from?
Actually MSN Messenger is both a boon and a pain. Boon because I can talk to the Uk for nothing and a bain because they keep changing the F*** versions and no two versions appear compatible. Also don't use Hotmail as it appears to have more bugs in it than the sparrow's nest in my bathroom window..and that is unbelievable!!..were it not true.
Oh on the subject of bugs....we have a whole 30 minute programme here on Thursday evenings about Prawn Farming...mainly about what deadly chemicals to use. Big problems with Bacillus Subtilis. Must find you some real info on this. Then I can open my forthcoming page of food horrors in style!!