And I was reading this!!
Any more ideas??
*Rainbow Fish Marcus Pfister
*Room on the Broom Julia Donaldson
*Lavenders Blue Nursery Rhymes Kathleen Lines
One Fish, Two Fish Dr. Seuss
+No Matter What Debbi Gliori
Dance with Angelina Kathleen Holabird
Felicity Wishes Emma Thomson
*Guri and Gura’s Seaside Adventure Rieko Nakagawa
*There was an Old Lady who
Swallowed a Fly Pam Adams
Jolly Phonic Songs Laurie Fyke
Faster Faster Little Red Train Benedict Blaythwayt
Lily and The Magical Moonbeam Stephen Culbis
Thomas and The Naughty Diesel
*Captain Toby Satoshi Kitamura
Dogs Never Climb Trees Lynley Dodd
*Mouse Paint Ellen Stoll Walsh
Wee Sing Pamela Beall
The Steam Train Jigsaw Book Heather Amery
+Brown Bear, Brown Bear Bill Martin
+The Gigantic Turnip Aleksei Tolstoy
Whiskers and Paws Fiona Waters
+*Stories Songs and Rhymes Basic Skills Agency!!
+Marvin Wanted More Joseph Theobald
The Tiger Who Came to Tea Judith Kerr
Mog’s Family of Cats Judith Kerr
Goodbye Mog Judith Kerr
Kipper’s Toybox Mick Inkpen
+Guess How Much I love you Sam McBratney
Playtime Rhymes Sally Gardner
*Pumpkin Soup Helen Cooper
Laura’s Star Klaus Baumgart
*The Magic Porridge Pot Tania Hurt-Newton
Spot Bakes a Cake Eric Hill
+Splosh Mick Inkpen
Underwater Farmyard Carol Ann Duffy
*We’re Going On a Bear Hunt Mike Rosen
Trevor and The Bonfire Brenda Apsley (Thomas TTE!)
Kitten Finds A Home Michael Coxon
In The Night Kitchen Maurice Sendak
Molly and The Storm Christine Leeson
Fox in Socks Dr Seuss
* Current Favorites!
+ Past Favorites..Old Hat Now!!