" village poet

Monday, October 28, 2002

Here is a short checklist of things I am finding useful
Sorry it is not sorted into categories!
The EU/EC and JNCC sites are v.useful and you can trawl around them
Gwynedd CC site is difficult to negotiate..they clearly don't think the same way as me...but some of the the Minutes of Dwyfor are worth reading!
Look at Ancient Woodland...Cheshire CC to see what might be.have been done in Gwynedd

Forestry Commission - Comisiwn Coedwigaeth - Ynglyn a Ni - bwrdd y comisynwyr
The National Trust
The Woodland Trust
The Wildlife Trusts Internet Site
Ancient Semi-Natural Broadleaved Woodland
The Wildlife Trusts Internet Site
National Assembly for Wales: Organisation Index: Home
UK Safari - A site for anyone interested in the wildlife of Britain
PFAF Database Search
Endangered Species
Clogwyni Pen Llyn/ Seacliffs of Lleyn - SAC selection
Corporate Information
JNCC - Coastal
Jeff Higgott's UK Lepidoptera web site
Gynedd Archaeological Trust
Environmental Contacts
Dwyfor Planning Committee - 2001/02
Cyngor Gwynedd Council
Great Nut Hunt
Managing Natura 2000 sites...Provides the explanation why the Gwynedd CC EIA is unsatisfactory..Long pdf document
Environment Agency - Protected areas
ECNC - European Centre for Nature Conservation
EU Birds Directive 79/409/EEC
European Union nature conservation policy and legislation
David Element's Wildlife Web Page Orthopteroids 1
UK, Wales, Environment, Landscape, Conservation: Officers and Staff of CPRW
Protected Countryside - LLeyn
Protected Countryside - Lleyn
National Assembly for Wales: Organisation Index: Home
Countryside Council for Wales
The Arts Council of Wales